For those who own the current best selling Android Tablet - the ASUS EEE Pad Transformer and also bought the optional keyboard dock as well, I've compiled a list of Keyboard Shortcuts that you can use with the keyboard which you should find useful including a particularly new one that was recently added in the latest Android 3.2 HoneyComb update. Check out the full list of shortcuts after the jump.
Note: The "Menu" key is the key that looks like 4 horizontal lines, next to the "Alt" key.
At the home screen:
Menu + W = change wallpaper
Menu + M = manage applications
Menu + N = show notifications
Menu + A = add item to homescreen
Menu + S = new search (or you can just start typing)
Menu + P = open settings
Home + B (or Search + B) = open browser
Home + C (or Search + C) = open contacts
Home + L = open calendar
Home + Esc = exit back to homescreen
In the browser:
Menu + N (or Ctrl + T) = new tab
Menu + I (or Ctrl + I) = zoom-in on page
Menu + O (or Ctrl + O) = zoom-out on page
Menu + J = open download manager
Menu + L = open search bar
Menu + R (or Ctrl + R) = refresh current page
Menu + F = find on page
Menu + B = open bookmarks
Menu + H = view browsing history
Menu + D = add bookmarks
Menu + S (or Ctrl + S) = open social network sharing menu
Menu + G = page info
Menu + E = select text
Menu + P = open browser settings
Menu + W (or Ctrl + W) = closes the current open tab
FN + Tab = toggle browser toolbar on/off when it's hidden
Ctrl + Shift = select input method (universal outside of browser also)
In Gmail:
C = compose new message
L = go to Label menu
X = check message in Inbox
V = add Label to current message
M = delete highlighted or checked messages
Alt + Up = go to top of Inbox
Alt + Down = go to bottom of Inbox.
Shift + Backspace = Forward delete (like a full keyboard "Delete" key)
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + V = Paste
Hold ALT + TAB = Show recent apps window and cycle in forward order(may not work in certain apps due to tab focus on certain elements in app) - (Only for HoneyComb 3.2 And Above)
Hold ALT + Shift + TAB = Show recent apps window and cycle in reverse order(may not work in certain apps due to tab focus on certain elements in app) - (Only for HoneyComb 3.2 And Above)
How do we screen save?
Screen save? Do you mean trigger the screen timeout? Just press the button on your keyboard dock at the top right corner that looks like a lock symbol...if that's not what you're looking for, then do explain...
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