ASUS has just released the EEE Pad Transformer TF101 firmware update for both TW and US SKUs (other SKU updates will be rolling out soon within the week or so) and among the more important bug fixes in this update is the dreaded random reboot bug that has been plaguing many TF101 owners including myself despite doing both hard and soft resets on the tablet.
Here's the changelog:
- Build number:
- Bluetooth updated: 8.30
- GPS updated: 6.9.12
- Wifi updated:
- Reset bug fixed. (Possibly)
- Performance and stability tweaks.
- File Manager zip extension support.
- Added 'Wifi Direct' setting for peer-to-peer networking.
- Stock browser 'Always request desktop site' setting option added.
- Stock browser 'Revert to last working state' app crash functionality added.
- Devicetracker.asus.com support. (Possibly region dependant)
- MyLibrary updated.
- AppBackup updated.
- Default email app updated.
So go ahead and check that update out! The bug fixes and especially the new file manager zip extension support is a much welcome addition, kudos to ASUS for doing a great job so far in keeping the TF101 up to date!